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For us, quality is more than an outcome; it's a corporate value.
The quality system of Eurofins Genoma laboratory is a well-integrated and consolidated process in all company procedures, with the aim of ensuring maximum satisfaction of our stakeholders. Implementing a quality system not only means conforming to standardized procedures aimed at process optimization.
UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 Certification
Eurofins Genoma Laboratory is certified to UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 and regularly undergoes external quality controls entrusted to nationally and internationally recognized institutions.
Accreditation for UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018 Scheme (Forensic Genetics)
The Eurofins Genoma Laboratory in Milan has also obtained accreditation for the UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018 scheme for Forensic Genetics testing from the Italian accreditation body ACCREDIA. This further demonstrates that the laboratory maintains the highest quality standards.
Accreditation to the Regional Health System (SSR)
Since 2018, Eurofins Genoma Laboratory has been accredited as an SMeL (Laboratory Medicine Services) by the Lombardy Region. Accreditation to the regional health service is a fundamental step towards improving the quality of healthcare and ensures the protection of citizens through the verification of requirements for organizational appropriateness, prescription appropriateness, and the quality of analytical production. Like any accredited SMeL, Eurofins Genoma uses Internal Quality Control (IQC) systems and participates in External Quality Assessment Programs (EQAP).
Accreditation to UNI EN ISO 15189:2013 obtained for NIPT (Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing) analyses
The entire analytical process is subject to constant monitoring by specialized operators and internal procedures that ensure continuous traceability of the analyzed samples. Thanks to this organizational model, Eurofins Genoma is continually improving to provide a high-profile service.
Certificato UNI EN ISO 9001:2015
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Certificato accreditamento UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018
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Accreditamento al Sistema Sanitario Regionale SSR
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Certificato accreditamento UNI EN ISO 15189:2013 (Roma)
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Certificato accreditamento UNI EN ISO 15189:2013 (Milano)
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Carta dei servizi
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