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OncoNext™ Risk – Breast

OncoNext ™ Risk Breast is a diagnostic test, developed by GENOMA Group, which allows you to perform a multiple genetic analysis to assess the predisposition to the development of breast cancer. The test, therefore, allows you to identify patients at risk of developing this neoplasia by analyzing their DNA.  

OncoNext™ Risk – Ovarian

OncoNext™ Risk Ovarian is a diagnostic test, developed by GENOMA Group, which allows you to perform a multiple genetic analysis to assess the predisposition to the development of uterus and ovary cancer. The test, therefore, allows you to identify patients at risk of developing this neoplasia by analyzing their DNA.  

OncoNext™ Risk – Prostate

OncoNext™ Risk Prostate is a diagnostic test, developed by GENOMA Group, which allows you to perform a multiple genetic analysis to assess the predisposition to the development of Prostate cancer. The test, therefore, allows you to identify patients at risk of developing this neoplasia by analyzing their DNA.  

OncoNext™ Risk – Oncoscreening Complete

OncoNext ™ Risk OncoScreening Complete is a diagnostic test, developed by GENOMA Group, which allows you to perform a multiple genetic analysis to assess the predisposition to hereditary cancers, including: Breast Cancer, Ovarian / Uterus Cancer, Colorectal Cancer, Stomach Cancer, Pancreatic Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Skin Cancer (Melanoma), Brain Cancer, Kidney Cancer and Pheochromocytoma / Paraganglioma. […]